Innovation | Strategy | Delivery 

Utilize, Inc.

Utility and Grid Modernization services

Powering the future through innovation, digital transformation, and grid modernization

Aging Infrastructure, rapid technology advancements, cyber security, and extreme weather events are causing operators of critical infrastructures to examine their existing capabilities and business processes to ensure reliability of their operations. All areas of critical infrastructure are affected, but none as such as the sector that powers our lives - the energy sector. After all energy enables us to live, thrive, prosper, provide and consume various goods and services.

Energy sector is investing aggressively into their people, processes, and technologies. They are ensuring the reliability of their product and services by digitally transforming their processes and modernizing their grid operations. 

Utilize Inc. can help with various aspects of digital transformation and grid modernization through services we provide. 

Our Services

Helping our clients achieve their objective by delivering initiatives that provide exceptional business value, is at the core of what we do - it is our mission  and our passion. 

We do so by providing exceptional services; assisting in identification of enterprise strengths, assessment of their current capabilities, and understanding and identifying opportunities for improvement.


With expertise in assessing business capabilities, evaluating and rationalizing portfolios, and improving process efficacy, we help by developing strategic plans and roadmaps.

Solution Advisory

Expertise in use case and user requirements generation, solution architecture, and delivery of grid solutions (EMS, ADMS, OMS, SCADA, Advanced Applications). 

Program and Project Management

From ideation and incubation to implementation and delivery of projects, we help organization achieve their objective and key result.

Implementation Support

Assisting clients with all aspects of grid initiatives, from planning and requirement gathering to implementation, testing, deployment, and production support.